Love Is Strong As Death: A Convivial Feast

subRosa, a feminist art collective,
hails you and invites you to come and sit at our table
in friendship and mutual replenishment.

The Feast will be prepared
by subRosa using local, organic foods
and wines [insofar as possible].

We invite you to listen, imagine, and respond
to concepts of “acts of political love.”

Love is Strong As Death addresses ideas
about the politics of friendship between women,
and different notions of refuge, affective gathering,
healing, and feminist hospitality.

We invite you to contribute a gift of nourishment—whether
material, intellectual, spiritual, or otherwise.

Colors, Breathing, Touch, Taste, Smell, and Sound are integral
to conviviality. Please dress in festive and comfortable garb.

Our models for this Feast include Plato’s Symposium;
bell hooks’ affirmations of difference in “beloved community”; and other
feminist traditions of hosting, hospitality, collaborative cooking, nourishment
and consciousness-raising as sites for critical conviviality.

[ history | quotations ]

* * *
Love is Strong as Death: A Convivial Feast
, a subRosa project,
was originally comissioned by the Department of Visual Arts at Brown University,
as part of “In Transit: From Object to Site,” Sept. 9–Oct. 23, 2006
at the David Winton Bell Gallery.
[preparation | feasting | menu | archived conversation ]

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